Friday, March 26, 2010

Première CRAFT NIGHT Etsy à Paris

Yesterday evening, I went to visit the First Etsy CRAFT NIGHT in Paris, (see image above Première CRAFT NIGHT Etsy à Paris) . This event promotes the french version of the Etsy web site.

I went there with my 2 children, who are always OK for a ride to Paris on the "métro", and my husband, who was not exactly crazy about learning how to make pompons.

I went there to meet France-based Etsy sellers, speak about art and craft and learn tricks about selling something through Etsy.

I met Stéphanie was organizing the event and two sympathetic Etsy sellers: Karianne (karius de parius) and Anabel (anasousa). I enjoyed a warm welcome from all three of them. They took time to speak to me, to explain me their skill and art, to share tricks about Etsy and, all in all, to give me some advices.

My twenty-month old son spoke with a lot of people, with a stuffed monkey, a stuffed hen, and ate far too many candies.
My daughter and my husband learned about making crochet flowers.

We did not stay much long, because of the incoming bedtime for the children (and the adults needed a small break before bedtime too). It was a nice evening.

My husband had his share of success today at work, when he went on explaining that he didn't have a chance to improve his pompon-making skills, but now (sort of) masters crafting crochet corsage flowers!


  1. MERCI !,
    bien sur que j'aime accueillir et discuter avec les gens, surtout quand on voit les étoiles dans les yeux des p'tits mômes !D

    Bon VENT pour la suite sur etsy !
