Monday, March 15, 2010

Once upon a time... champagne et chocolat !

I was born in Paris, about 39 years ago, in this building.

According to my mother, it was very early in the morning (I never woke up so early ever since then, according to her ;-) on January, the First.
As usual in a large parisian hospital, there where many students (midwives and nurses) working-studying. For most of them there where no reason not to greet the New Year just because they were working at the maternity on this very day...
So, the first scent I smelt after birth was champagne and chocolate!

I always thought theses "fairies" made me see life through pink glasses for the rest of my life!

The funniest part is that my two children were also born in this very same building, but not on January the First!
Try to imagine how my mother felt when she went there to see her newborn grandchildren... Incidentally, she did not notice the building changed a lot on the inside after all those years.

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