Thursday, October 13, 2011


Nothing to do with sadness and being blue today: it's quite the oposite!
It's just the color my little one chose for his autumn coat: colofull and funny, isn't it?!

It's the color chosen for the Défi13 of October. This time, I chose to participate and post a photo of my little one's coat.
Few words about "Défi13": monthly on the 13, sewer, knitter and other crafter show one of their project. The project has to be made by you and follow a given theme (today it was "blue"). Nothing to win in this, just the fun. The project is in French and most of the participants are French bloger, but everyone is welcome, no doubt!

I will update this post with a little mo about pattern, construction, and so one, not to mention, my little one WANT a matching cap...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A try from a phone

Just to test: a post from my phone...
Humm, I can't insert a photo: to bad!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter weekend

Nothing to do with Paris today. Just some refreshing photos from my father-in-law's area: Normandy.

I took these this afternoon at Parc de Rouelles, while the children where playing.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

A spring game for my cousin

Today, I want to publish something about a french spring game.
A nice french lady will give away a japanese book with patterns for littles girls in it and a piece of fabric in honor of spring (the photos above are from her blog, her blog entry about the game is here).
I enter this game but, not for me... for my cousine.
My cousin is an artist. She use fabrics... to paint on them, not exactly to sew ;-) Her blog, in french, is here, if you are interested.
She start sewing last year, but she start slooooowly and I am pretty sure this book will inspire her very much.
So I enter the contest to offer it to her, if I win it, but I will keep the fabric comming with the book, for me, hehee ;-)
Wishes us good luck!!!